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Korean Fashion

Let us start this Korean fashion overview by stating a fact that becomes obvious to anyone who observes Korea and its people: appearance and self-presentation play a key role in their society. Since the ancient times, Koreans have prided themselves as forward in fashion. They are very proud of their traditional costume, the han bok, which is still being used today even by today’s generation of Koreans, in important family occasions like weddings, and during national holidays.

These days, Koreans have adapted influences from Western fashion, particularly from American fashion. The American fashion style is much applicable in Korea, as Koreans enjoy the same temperate weather as in the USA. Korean teenage girls tend to adopt trends in American fashion as seen in American television shows.

The women, meanwhile, do not want to be left behind with trends as published in leading American fashion magazines like Vogue and Elle. Thus, due to the weather and Western influences, the Korean look entails a lot of layering and accessories that accentuate the clothing. A lot of Koreans like wearing tee shirts that have international luxury brands printed in it, or otherwise just English text. Some American visitors may find the text printed in the shirts as nonsensical, but these texts primarily serve as the shirts "design.” But even with the temperate weather in Korea, a majority of Korean women like to wear miniskirts and have high-heeled boots to match them.

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