I’m sure you’ve heard the statement “Life is a series of choices.” To some, that’s too simple, but it really is true. Your decisions determine your destiny.
you make decisions every day that move you closer to your God-ordained destiny—or away from it. There is no such thing as just sitting still or putting God’s plan for your life on hold. That’s a deception. God’s will for you is intertwined with His will for others, and that is a constantly moving and changing dynamic. It’s like catching a flight. You can miss it.
It’s true that the Lord can get you to your destiny another way. He’s certainly smarter than a GPS device that “recalculates” when you miss a turn. There is always a later flight with God. But who wants the hassle, disappointment, and delay that comes with missing a connection? I want God’s best. Don’t you?
When you are on a road trip, those who are ahead of you can be valuable sources of information. It doesn’t matter how you feel about them personally. The fact that they have already driven the road gives them insights that you need. They can tell you what accommodations and restaurants are available. Or they can let you know of a wreck or construction ahead and then advise an alternate route. You would be foolish not to draw on the insights of others who have gone before you.
Are you certain that the decisions you are making every day are the ones the Lord wants you to make? If you can’t answer that affirmatively, then what is stopping you? Most people don’t intentionally decide to miss their destinies; they just get busy with the cares of this life, and before they know it, they are in a rut that they can’t seem to get out of.
But remember, your life is the result of choices—YOUR choices. Others can influence or hinder you, but your choices are the determining factor of your destiny. It is never too late to make the right choices.
Some creative (i.e., subjective) modern astrologers might say, “Well, if things are bad in your love life at the present, just transform your ‘fate into destiny,’ and your ‘limitations into gifts;’ make it your destiny to have a good love life now, and ‘unleash the power of your soul’ while ‘delivering grace to the world.’”
Yes, it’s nice to spread light to the world, so to speak, but you can’t cheat fate, no matter how much effort and time you put into “creating your destiny.” If you’re fated to experience a long spell of challenging
romantic energy, no amount of inspiration and New Age myth will change that. However, you can change how you deal with it, looking at it from a spiritual perspective, therefore making it easier to handle.
By the way, fate and destiny are the same thing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Destined circumstances and events/fated circumstances and events—same concept. You have free will in how you handle your personal fate/destiny and how you make the most of your karma, within the confines of your fate/destiny.
The Lord has awesome things planned for your life. Regardless of what things look like now, your positive decisions can change everything.
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